Bill McClain December 7, 2021

The global health crisis may present an opportunity to enact real change for the future of work. Outside of the current necessity, when the crisis passes, there will remain certain benefits to remote work, like work/life balance, time saved that is usually spent commuting to-and-from work, and the ease of video meetings – the list goes on.

Were you prepared?

What COVID-19 has shown us thus far is that many businesses may not have been prepared to take employees online but quickly realized how easily a virtual workplace can be created and how effective it is. Today, business leaders around the globe have a far better perception of the significance of staying connected.

This ability to transition quickly depends on the preparedness of the company. Companies of all sizes may find it challenging to make the transition if they are operating in an on-premise communications environment and don’t have the business continuity infrastructure in place.

This is the new conversation surrounding business continuity – shutting down or making a swift transition to the cloud. StratusDial gave businesses a desktop and mobile application to access their entire office from home. Because they kept their online instances, all calls were forwarded to their mobile extensions from us or were given the option of using a mobile app giving them instant connection to their in-office phone. We brought these solutions to customers quickly and assisted them in implementation. Within a matter of hours, we set companies up to work from home indefinitely if need be.

The future of office working is now

Considering the current health crisis, many companies are beginning to realize that the ability to enable employees to work from home will and should be a part of their business continuity plans now and well into the future. This preparedness will be the new norm in a post-COVID-19 society. The rapid amount of digital transformation that’s happened in a matter of a few months is drastic and will likely have long-lasting impacts moving forward. It is not a fad, but in fact, sustainable and almost certain to transform the way we do everything henceforth.


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